Nakshatras Professions and Dhruva Nadi

Dear friends I am sharing the professions of Nakshatras of Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasira. I will be sharing more in next post so please stay connected if u want to know how Dhruva Nadi throw, the light on this most important subject of today.

Here I may add for the beginners in Jyotish, that Nadis literature is the most ancient and most authoritative part of Jyotish. According to scholars there are more than 32 Nadis scattered all over India.

According to late Dr B V Raman who possessed a no of Nadis, Dhruva Nadi was the most authenticated Nadi Jyotish Book, it was written by Maharishi Kasyapa.

Professions of Aswini

According to Nadi Aswini is interested in following articles persons and professions.

Commander of the Army, Horse Stealer, Physician, Servant, Horse Rider, Trader, Hunter, Handsome, Stable keeper.

Professions of Bharani

According to Nadi Bharani is interested in following articles persons and professions.

Blood and flesh consumer, cruel minded, interested in killing, binding and beating, born of low pedigree, lacking satwik quality.

Professions of Krittika

According to Nadi Krittika is interested in following articles persons and professions.

White flowers, Sacrificial priests, Pundits versed in Mantras and sutras, Commentators of sastras, Gold miners, Barbers, Potters, Purohits and Astrologers

Professions of Rohini

According to Nadi Rohini is interested in following articles persons and professions.

Merchants, King, Man of Riches, Lovely maidens fulfilling vows, Yogis, Cows, Bullocks, Cart driver, Watery Animals, Agriculturists.

Professions of Mrigasira

According to Nadi Mrigasira is interested in following articles persons and professions.

Sweet smelling articles, Garments, Products from water Areas, Flowers, Mangoes, Sapphire and other stones, Hunters in forest, Birds and animals, Alcohol brewers, lechers, Postman, Songster.