Astrological Geomancy

Get your answers from the ancient science of Astrological Geomancy

Astrological Geomancy has been and is specialty of Muslims for centuries. Muslims authors wrote more than 160 books on this subject according to my research on this subject until now. 20 Years back I learnt it from my first guru Ghulam Abbas. Since then used it in thousands cases thru my Columns in Sunday Magazine of Khabrain. I gave 86% accurate answer on the performance of individual players of both teams i.e. Pakistan and its opponent team in last World Cup and results were published before hand in my Newspaper daily Khabrain, which amazed my Sports Editors.

Only recently in west a revival about Astrological Geomancy has started but they are using only basics of it according to my knowledge.

It’s based on 16 Figures and is similar to I Ching o Astrology but with very elaborate rules of giving answers to any question.

There are three main schools in Astrological Geomancy but i have seen till now only one school teaching being used in West.

We can compare it basically to horary astrology used for answering questions very accurately.

I now offer this service to answer any specific question of you for minimum charges.

Charges for Astrological Geomancy

• For birth within Pakistan. Rs.300.00

• For Births all other Countries than these $. 15.00

For consultations of Astrological Geomancy if u agree with the fee i will give u a detailed answer for any three questions u ask.
If u agree pls fill the following form and submit.

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